2015 Annual IOTA Meeting

33rd Annual Meeting of the International Occultation Timing Association

October 16-18, 2015

Las Vegas, Nevada



University of Southern Nevada, Cheyenne Campus

3200 East Cheyenne Ave., North Las Vegas, NV  89030

Greater Las Vegas area showing Campus Locations

Cheyenne Campus map

The Meeting will be held in a room near the Planetarium, room 3 in the main South wing (S) on the map.

2015 Meeting Agenda (version 7 – Final)

2015 mtg speakers schedule v7

In Attendance in Las Vegas, NV

IOTA 2015 Meeting Attendees


Presentations Page

Minutes of the 2015 Meeting

(Provided by Richard Nugent)


Asteroid Occultation Opportunity:

Occultation of mag. 9.0  HIP 1783 by (215) Oenone

17 October 2015 1:30 a.m. PDT


Observing Station Assignments

Rob Lambert, Las Vegas Astronomical Society, has identified several observing sites in the Las Vegas area.  We have assigned observers to these locations and entered the sites into OccultWatcher (currently site 1 through site 34).  Rob has posted a Google Map showing the precise location for each site.  The sites on Rob’s map are labeled with letters.   The list of stations assignments give both the site letter and site number for each location.  Here is the list of station assignments and a link to Rob’s map of locations.  If you plan to observe this event in the Las Vegas area and are not on this list, please contact Paul Maley to coordinate with other observers.

Observing Station Assignment List

Rob’s Site Map


Page created by Brad Timerson, October, 2014