2023 Occultations by Distant Solar System Objects - Updated 2023 November 16

Occultations by SW1 added

Rings discovered around (50000) Quaoar; more occultation opportunities

These occultations are described and illustrated in this .pdf document. 
It includes Occult and/or Lucky Star maps for several events with some links
to where more information about them can be found. Those links are to external 
Web pages, but links to internal files, especially the .xml input files used by 
the Occult program, are given below. David gave a presentation about most of the 
North American (but some in other areas) distant occultations events, that also 
covers occultations by Trojan and special main-belt asteroids, at the 2023 IOTA meeting
last weekend; if you missed the meeting, or want to re-live parts of it, Ted Blank
has posted YouTube recordings of all of the presentations. The IOTA meeting page
also has links set up for each of the presentations to get their PPT or PDF files.
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Click here for the Occult map and detailed predictions for this rare important 
occultation by the largest moon of Uranus.
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Much useful information is also given on a special page I set up for the 
Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors (ACM) conference held in Flagstaff, AZ last month. 
It includes a link to my presentation given there about NEA and other special 
occultations, to a much longer version of that presentation given on July 9 
by Zoom to the ChesMont Astronomical Society, to several abstracts and ePosters 
relating to occultations from the ACM Web site, and to much general occultation 
information suitable for those interested in getting started with observing
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When you open these files with your Web browser,
you should get a display that looks like this.
The larger files may take a couple of minutes to show this appearance, 
showing a messed-up display before then. Once the proper view appears, 
right-click anywhere on the display, then "Save as" to a directory
on your computer; the best directory is the \Asteroid\ subdirectory 
in your Occult\ directory.

For the 8 distant Solar System objects events mapped and tabulated in the main .pdf document
Worldwide distant objects events to mag. 16, 102 occultations for the rest of 2023 to mag. 16.
Worldwide events (200) for occultations by major planets
  and their moons to mag. 16 (but fainter limits for most objects);
Many of these are also predicted by the Lucky Star Project.
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Visit IOTAs main page for occultations by main-belt asteroids to learn sbout 
the many occultations by other small bodies in the Solar System. It has links
to other pages, including occultations by near-Earth asteroids, by special main 
belt asteroids, and by Trojan asteroids.

David and Joan Dunham, 2023 July 21; updated November 16
e-mail:  dunham@starpower.net
cell phone:  301-526-5590