2024 Occultations by Distant Solar System Objects - Updated 2024 June 5

These occultations are described and illustrated in this .pdf document. 
It includes Occult or RECON maps for several events with useful links
to where more information about them can be found; please read it. The
links in it are to external Web pages, but links to internal files, espe-
cially the .xml input files used by the Occult program, are given below. 
This update is largely due to a mistake I made in the first version of 
the .pdf document where I said that (54598) Bienor HAS a ring, but that's 
not correct, the Centaur only MIGHT have a ring, according to a 2017 
open access MNRAS publication. For that reason, it would be valuable to 
observe future occultations by Bienor with telescopes large enough to 
detect a ring occultation. K Ly noted my mistake in a personal 
message a few days ago.
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OCCULTATION ON JUNE 2 BY (523700) 2014 GM54

This Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO) occulted a 13.2-mag. star in Sagitta, 
as described in this .pdf document. The Occult Watcher (OW) cloud prediction 
showed a path crossing the USA from Maryland to Washington State, but with 
1-sigma error bars that included the whole "lower 48" USA except the southern
-most part of Texas, and much of Canada and some of northern Mexico. A separate 
prediction by RECON had a path much farther north with similar errors. The 
OW cloud results showed a few negative observations and several "clouded out or 
could not observer" with no positives. The main distant occs .pdf stressed that 
observers should look out for such non-Lucky-Star events in their OW and if
they find one, to notify IOTAoccultations or Planoccult, if the event has not 
already been mentioned earlier on those listservers.
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The best (most up-to-date) information for these events, but only for the 
next 60 days, is usually obtained with Occult Watcher and its associated 
OW Cloud that has the prediction information for many thousands of current 
and near-future occultations.  The details of an individual event can be 
found on this OW cloud page and specify the asteroid's number and the date.
Don't try to type the date; you need to click on the calendar sysmbol to 
specify the date. There may be more than one occultation of a given object 
on a given date, so look at the UT time and the star magnitude or designa-
tion to get the right event, but for the distant objects, there are almost 
always only one. Once you select and click on the event, you get to the 
first OW page, which has links to zoomable photographic Aladin finder charts 
at the top, an Occult map at the bottom, and a list of the different predic-
tions for the event. Usually, the first of those, the "default" prediction, 
is the one to click on, but for distant objects, the Lucky Star prediction 
is usually the best one. When you click on the prediction line, you get a 
zoomable Google map for the event and details of the occultation, the 
occulted star, and the occultating object on the right. Clicking anywhere 
on the map gives you the occultation U.T. and circumstances at that place, 
and then at the bottom, you can fill out some information and submit the 
location for your observation, to alert others and allow coordination so 
that others don't duplicate your line. If you are mobile, try to avoid the 
lines, shown on the map, that have already been declared by others.
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Much useful information is also given on a special page I set up for the 
Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors (ACM) conference held in Flagstaff, AZ last month. 
It includes a link to my presentation given there about NEA and other special 
occultations, to a much longer version of that presentation given on July 9 
by Zoom to the ChesMont Astronomical Society, to several abstracts and ePosters 
relating to occultations from the ACM Web site, and to much general occultation 
information suitable for those interested in getting started with observing
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When you open these files with your Web browser,
you should get a display that looks like this.
The larger files may take a couple of minutes to show this appearance, 
showing a messed-up display before then. Once the proper view appears, 
right-click anywhere on the display, then "Save as" to a directory
on your computer; the best directory is the \Asteroid\ subdirectory 
in your Occult\ directory.

For the 5 distant Solar System objects events mapped and tabulated in the main .pdf document
Worldwide distant objects events to mag. 16, 91 occultations for 2024.
  The file was obtained from a link at the bottom of 
  Steve Preston's Web site for 2024, where it is given as a .zip file, 
  but I have unzipped it for posting here.

Many of these are also predicted by the Lucky Star Project.
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Visit IOTA's main page for occultations by main-belt asteroids to learn sbout 
the many occultations by other small bodies in the Solar System. It has links
to other pages, including occultations by near-Earth asteroids, by special main 
belt asteroids, and by Trojan asteroids.

David and Joan Dunham, 2024 May 25; updated June 5
e-mail:  dunham@starpower.net
cell phone:  301-526-5590