2024 Occultations by Trojan Asteroids - Updated 2024 June 17, 4pm

Next Campaign for August 11th occultations by Patroclus and Menoetius, best NM and TX

A brighter Patroclus/Menoetius Occ'n will occur Oct. 7 in Baja and w. Texas (low there)

These occultations are described and illustrated in this .pdf document. 
It includes several hot links to external Web pages, but links to internal files, 
especially the .xml input files used by the Occult program, are given below. 
The .pdf document will be updated less frequently than this page. A text file 
version of the table in the .pdf document is here.

The Occult map for the 2024 April 22nd (UT; April 21st, local date) occultation 
of a 13.8-mag. star by the 63-km Trojan (15440) Eioneus is here; it and a short 
message about the event were distributed to the IOTAoccultations list, 
and to #iota on Lucyocc.slack.com 5 days before the event. Other past 
2024 events were similarly announced, including for the Lucy target 
events on Jan. 5 (Orus), Feb. 26 (Polymele), and Mar. 25 (Eurybates), 
all described, with preliminary results, in the .pdf document.
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See the main .pdf document (link at top of this page) for the 
updated SwRI map for this event, and its description, and about the 
campaign being organized for it. My recent message about this important 
event is in this .pdf,, and SwRI's Marc Buie gives his strategy for the 
event, and the procedures and equipment needed to observe the event, in 
this .pdf nessage.
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The occultations of Oct. 7 and 18 are described best in our main
.pdf document that shows their SwRI paths, best for Mexico, Taiwan, 
s. China, and n. India. The more difficult event on Nov. 11/12 is
also mapped and described.
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Recently, whenever I open a SwRI Web page, I get a warning that 
"Your connection is not private", but I have not found any real 
problem going to their pages. It's annoying, but you just need to 
click on the "Advanced" box at the bottom, and then click on 
"Proceed to lucy.swri.edu (unsafe)" on the next page you get.
This did not happen a week ago; it seems to be something new, 
at least with Chrome and Edge.
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A large effort was made for the 2022 October 23rd occultation of an 8.7-mag.
star by Eurybates in western Europe. SwRI's prediction page for the event 
is at https://lucy.swri.edu/occ/predictions/20221023Eurybates/ .
Well over 100 stations tried the event, but most were clouded out; 
15 positive chords were recorded across the asteroid, mainly by French 
observers who found breaks in the widespread cloud cover; one station 
in northern Sweden recorded it. Euraster has a sky-plane plot of the chords.
and observation details are here. The links for the above from 2023 
don't work since starting this year, the previous euraster.net is now 
replaced with euraster.ericfrappa.com. The SwRI link is also new, 
with a recent restructuring of SwRI's predictions pages.
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When you open these files with your Web browser,
you should get a display that looks like this.
The larger files may take a couple of minutes to show this appearance, 
showing a messed-up display before then. Once the proper view appears, 
right-click anywhere on the display, then "Save as" to a directory
on your computer; the best directory is the \Asteroid\ subdirectory 
in your Occult\ directory. Better predictions are often available via 
Occult Watcher and at Steve Prestons asteroidal occultation prediction site, 
the SwRI occultation prediction Web site, and the Lucky Star prediction site,
as described near the end of the main .pdf document linked to at the top.
You can use the input files with the free Occult4 program, as described in 
this .pdf document, to generate a list of these events for the rest of 2024
filtered for a specified distance from your location and to the magnitude 
limit you can reach. You can also generate maps showing the paths of these 
events across your region, like the one for North America in the .pdf 
document (link near the top of this page); to identify the paths, you need 
to consult the individual Occult maps by clicking on each line for the 
selected events in your Occult listing. The selection can be filtered 
many ways with the colored boxes at the top of the Occult listing, the 
most important being the lat./long. boundaries (for n., s., e., and w.);
remember that longitudes west of Greenwich are negative. Most of the input
files below were created in late March, so "the rest of 2024" starts with 
those dates.

For the 22 Trojan events mapped and tabulated in the main .pdf document
194 2024 Worldwide Lucy Trojan events to mag. 16, 143 for rest of 2024
15 2024 N. American Lucy Trojan events to mag. 16, 6 for rest of 2024
339 Worldwide events for our selected Trojans to mag. 14 for rest of 2024;
26 N. American events for our selected Trojans to mag. 14 for rest of 2024;
these include non-Lucy Trojans ocvered by the Lucky Star Project,
which usually will have better predictions for them.

Currently, the SwRI Lucy occultations prediction site includes all of 
their currated events, but it is not complete for all parts of the world.
If an event you find for a Lucy-target event from our files here, is not 
on SwRI's currated list, you should send a message to Brian Keeney, email 
bkeeney at gmail dot com, giving the date, asteroid, and general area, and 
he can prepare and post a Google map for the event on their prediction site;
you should do this, as their predictions include unpublished observations 
not available to IOTA snd JPL. Our predictions for occultations by 11351 Leucus
are quite accurate because SwRI published details of the observations they 
collected from several of their occultation campaigns, and those have been 
incorporated into the JPL Horizons system that IOTA relies on for most of 
their predictions, but for the other Lucy targets, our paths can be more 
than a path-width in error and only SwRI has accurate orbits for them.

Also, see the page of bright 2024 asteroidal occultations in North America.
Besides giving information about the brightest main-belt asteroidal 
occultations in North America during 2024, it has links to pages for 
occultations by other important occultations in North America, including
near-Earth asteroidal occultations and special main-belt asteroidal 
occultations (objects with known or suspected moons, unusual shapes, etc.).
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This conference, abbreviated ACM 2023, was held in Flagstaff and online
during 2023 June. Clicking on "Program and Presenter Information", including
the program with links to abstracts, you can see the interesting agenda, 
including several papers using results from occultation observations.
Highlights of the conference relating to occultations are linked to from here.

David and Joan Dunham, 2024 April 18, updated April 19 and 23, and June 17
e-mail:  dunham@starpower.net
cell phone:  301-526-5590